Why Us

We know you are unique.

You will not become a number in our system and be forgotten about. We take an interest in you as a person first, then get to know your property goals and help you achieve them.

We understand you.

We have been in your shoes—whether you are a tenant, a landlord or an investor—so we understand you and can relate to you.

We have experience and skill.

Over 20 years of experience in the real estate industry—10 of these strictly dedicated to property management, specialising in the Auckland market.

We are transparent with you.

There are no hidden or complicated fee structures. Our record keeping is transparent; ledgers and statements list all your income, expenditure, charges, fee and GST component, as well as providing you with copy of invoices for the month.

We look after your money.

Our trust account is audited for accuracy and ethical accounting practices. To give you an idea, every single cent in our account is receipted correctly and disbursed accordingly.

We are with you.

You are not alone; from technology to support we have partnered with only the best in the industry. To name a few, we are proud to be a member of REINZ.
We use Palace software, NZ’s leading property management software.
We subscribe to Renti, who assist us with tenant background, credit checks and tenancy agreements.
You will benefit from the long-term relationships we have with our suppliers and network of people.

We communicate with you.

Communication is our strength. Ever sent an email and not received an acknowledgment? Or did a property sit vacant for two weeks and you did not know about? Have you tried to get hold of your property manager via multiple extensions? We don’t have this at Let’s Rent, one point of contact and accountability.

We want to see you successful.

We are a proud, driven and goal-oriented team. We see you as an extension of ourselves and strive to make sure you are successful and happy in your property journey.
We want you to experience a professional and personalised service. If you are looking for genuine, hardworking property management as part of your property team, please get in touch today.

We win awards!


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